Monday, November 15, 2010

my life

this project was fun due to the fact that we got to look back on our past. it was fun  going through old pictures. i used the song No Such Thing by John Mayer. in my video the song is Here Comes The Boom by Nelly. i used the song by John Mayer because it is him recalling on his memories of growing up and going through high school. i found all my information by typing in 1996 on wikepedia. also i google searched average prices for 1996. i thought that the websites i used were pretty good because it is roughly around the same information that everyone else had. i used some photoshop and cropting to help make my pictures mor visible.i feel that i am good at making informational power points which is what mymovie basically is which isnt what the project called for. i kind of struggled with finding some of the information. this is because it was a lot of reading. i chose to use still slides because i didnt know how to make animated slides. i used a consistent slide background through the whole movie with a similar transition. i had put that my favorite sport was football so i used a compilation of football hits for my video at the end. if we need to make a project about our life for Grammar or speech i could use the same or use information from this project. i cited must of my sources and i used zamzar which is legal as long as you use it for school related purposes. i would not probably do another one of these on my own because it was a lot of work and im really lazy.