Thursday, October 28, 2010

music genome

this project was a fun way to learn about the many genres in the music business today. also it taught us how to mix songs together to use in a project that requires multiple songs. again we got to use i movie which is a tool that will come in handy for future projects. i thought that my video at the end could have been better because i forgot that we needed a video and just cut up a video and put it at the end. i thought overall tho that my video was decent and had good information in it. however there are pars that i could have done better.

Monday, October 18, 2010

imovie project

i enjoyed working with my group to complete this project. i found that this project was an easy assignment to do once i figured out the direction, that were somewhat confusing. this project showed me the other ways to use imovie make an informational movie for a topic. i thought we worked well on this, and we all did our share of the work. i also thought we did a good job on the overall project. i thought everything followed the directions to the fullest points. i also thought that having Joe Doyle Collins as our interviewer helped bring a fun aspect to the movie. i think that it will be a good informational tool for the upcoming class of 2015 next year for those who want to partake in the swimming and diving teams 

Friday, October 1, 2010


1.  What tools and techniques did you use to create your podcast?
2.  How could you use a project like this in other classes?
3.  In the “real world”, how could podcast projects be used (In what careers/businesses, etc.)?
4.  What part of the assignment was easy for you?   What was difficult?
5.  What part of the directions would you like to clarify? 

1. i used the tools in garageband to complete this assignment.
2. i could use this for if he have something to give a speech about a topic and need to use visual items to help with the words. also i could use this if i take films class when im a senior to help talk about the movie we just watched.
3. this could be used if u had to give a speech for a business promoting a product or something. 
4. the part that i found easy was the making of the script. the part that i found hard was actually finding a place that was quiet enough to record this. 
5. i dont get this question. 

i enjoyed this project. it was a fun way to learn how to make a podcast using garageband. it was also fun to explore the possibilities that garage band has to offer. also it was fun to listen to the other kids in the class talk about their favorite movie.